In the first lesson, we understood that Harmony is a state of active balance enabled by right relationships within the WHOLE. In human societies, this state of balance and consistency is the result of right relations that respect the laws and orders within the respective society.

In this lesson, we will explore the principle of ONENESS/COHERENCE to see the truth that we live in an interrelated WEB of Biodiverse system that unites myriads of essential systems and lives that enable us to breathe, feed and live. The Principle of ONENESS will broaden our perception lens to see the INTERCONNECTEDNESS of all life on our planet and we will acknowledge the fact that we humans are part of Nature. 

The truth about everything being JOINED UP was very well understood in traditional societies around the world. In Africa, people had an INCLUSIVE PERCEPTION that respected the essence of all beings whether big or small. As they read Nature, they observed how this WEB of life was ordered to provide every creature with their needs. They had AWE and REVERENCE towards the benevolence force that created/caused all life on earth.  They knew they did not create themselves and they invented instructive myths and teachings to help future generations to uphold good values of respecting the SOURCE OF LIFE which is embedded in their natural surroundings. This SOURCE OF LIFE has different names according to culture, environment, language, religion etc. Currently, humans disagree a lot about the SOURCE OF LIFE, but if you observe how Nature works, and reflect inwards, you will feel a sense of “REVERENCE” in your own heart. You will find yourself overwhelmed with humility and gratitude for each new day you witness, just like our ancestors did. You will see GLORY and the SOURCE OF LIFE in all creatures, and you will see yourself in the eyes of fellow Beings and you will understand that you are part of something much greater!

SEEING OUR WORLD as an integrated living system is at the heart of traditional Chinese philosophies, such as Taoism, as well as Indian worldviews, even their health treatments focus on the integration of BODY-MIND and SPIRIT. In the past, European societies lived this INCLUSIVE PERSPECTIVE before the scientific revolution in the 17th century. This is when the arrogance of science and industry started to view Nature as just raw materials without considering the intrinsic value of natural assets including health, inner joy and spiritual outlook that made our lives purposeful. The measure of progress became commodity and MONEY. This is where Africans started to be called poor because our speed of transforming Nature into paper money was not important. We did not have the technology that harvested more than we needed from the FORESTS, SOIL, WATER, AIR ETC, so we were put on the bottom rung of the ladder of “progress” because we lived in moderated relationship with Nature. The modern view of progress that ignores environmental specificity is very dangerous and it continues to disturb the HARMONIOUS RELATIONSHIPS between humans and our environment. 

We have lost what in SWAHILI is referred to as "THE FEAR OF GOD" (i.e. HUMILITY AND OBEDIENCE) by not appreciating the perfectly ordered energetic systems of life within us and in our environment. We fail to align ourselves PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY and SPIRITUALLY because modern societies judge us by what we have. So, we race to accumulate material “stuff” for displaying our outward worth, without first taking care of our inner gardens of Eden with spiritual values. 

Notice how even our modern medicine treats only the body without regard to the unique composition of other invisible systems of memory, emotions and complex energetic processes that are alive within us. Fortunately, microbiology and quantum physics are now concerning themselves with NATURAL PATTERNS of invisible energies that show how all things in life exist in relation to other things. Microbiology is the study of all living organisms that are so small they cannot be seen with the eyes such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, etc; known as microbes. Since our bodies are made up of invisible cells, it is right to say that we are a UNITY of invisible particles, arranged in perfect geometrical patterns that fit together to support us to function. ONENESS is the principle that holds life together in a single coherent WHOLE. The particles of life are NOT VISIBLE but once they are JOINED UP in coherent systems we are able to differentiate FORMS.

Now, we see that Harmony is the expression of perfection. Harmony is about coming together in ONENESS and relating, our bodies, mind and spirit are all connected. We are connected to our environment, both built and natural; and all parts of our society are connected to its environment as well. From Harmony's point of view, we humans are the expression of a complete system. We are Nature, just as all other creatures who depend on Nature for their survival.  Every living being is deeply connected with other living beings, so much so that within this network of continuous connections it is impossible for a single living being to live alone without association with other living beings. 

Reflect for a moment on our popular Kiswahili saying; "UNITY is power" how do we work on it? How do we embed this in our daily lives? How are we living inside this GREAT UNITY OF LIFE?

In this lesson, we have put the values of RESPECT and HUMILITY so that everyone can be in awe of the miracle of being alive. Self-respect is acknowledging that YOU ARE OK as you are. So be humble and respect all living creatures, including the LIVING ENERGY SOURCE INSIDE YOU AND IN ALL BEINGS, VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE.


As always, the golden rule applies. Do you treat others the way you would like to be treated? Are you opening your gifts (potentials) to add value to others or are you being a NUISANCE? 

For further explanation and understanding, please read our handbook from page 26 to 30 on


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