Lesson four looked at interdependence to reveal the incredible inter-connectedness of Nature’s intricate systems to understand the relationships of giving and taking that sustain life on earth. In this lesson we shall explore the harmony principle of geometry in order to marvel at the greatness of Nature by discovering how it expresses the universal order that underlies all of life. 

The word “geometry” comes from the Greek word geometrein (geo-, “earth,” and metrein, “to measure”), meaning “measuring earth.” Geometry was originally the science of measuring land, which can be traced to Ancient Egypt. The Greeks standardised it to become one of the branches of mathematics. Geometry is concerned with properties of space that are related with shape, size, distance and relative position of figures. It is the geometry of matter that allows us to see beauty and differentiate visible entities. Interestingly, although geometry is a knowledge that appears to be produced by human beings, its expression and meaning exists independent of humans. Here we are talking about “sacred geometry,” which is the language of nature that creates visible, interrelated and interdependent patterns.

Just as humans use geometry as a mathematical basis for building structures, so does Nature organise life in geometrical patterns from individual cells to complete organs that form a visible organism. Geometry is a visual language that shows how the parts of a certain structure are connected to the whole structure, be it a tree, an insect, flowers, animals, etc.

The most important example of geometry in everyday life is formed by the nature surrounding us. If one looks closely, one will find different geometrical shapes and patterns in leaves, flowers, stems, roots, bark, the list goes on. The leaves on the trees are of varying shapes, sizes, and symmetries. Different fruits and vegetables have different geometrical shapes; take the example of an orange, it is a sphere and after peeling it, one will notice how the individual slices form the perfect sphere. 

Beautiful forms, symmetries and patterns surround us representing Nature’s visual grammar. It is easy to conclude that indeed, geometry is the sacred language of Nature. 

All forms of life are directly related to geometry to accommodate their growth without changing shape. Structures made by living creatures for example the hexagonal honeycomb by bees, spider’s webs etc are interpreted in terms of sacred geometry because they make precise numerical patterns that are replicable by the same creature anywhere on the planet. 

The ancients believed that the nearest the human mind could get to the Divine Mind was through numbers because of the divine proportions and relationship between the arithmetic of number and the geometry of the physical space around us. As a principle of harmony, geometry is considered sacred because it is essentially the original blueprint, the script for all of life and how it is divinely constructed and organised. It is the mathematics of the Universe, which forms consciousness and matter. 

Values for GEOMETRY

TRUTH: Is the actual state of a matter, an adherence to reality, or an indisputable fact. 

HONESTY: Is a quality of being sincere and being able to represent ideas in an accurate, convincing manner. 

Competency: Strategic Thinking 


Strategic Thinking shares with Conceptual Thinking the ability to put things in context and to think broadly. It differs from Conceptual Thinking in that it requires, in addition, the kind of thinking which involves looking into the future. Thus, it involves consideration of the future needs; thinking about how present processes and methods might be progressively affected by future development and trends; developing long term goals and strategies extending over significant time spans.

For further explanation and understanding,
please read our handbook from page 44 to 46 on


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