Human life is about stories we are told, stories we choose to live by and stories that we will tell our children.

I love stories, but I always listen with a critical "ear" especially those stories that do not belong in a particular culture. As a Cosmopolitan and a Global Citizen who feels at home where my feet touch, I am always open to listening to new stories of the land in order to update my dynamic "stories library." Mine is  not an archive for reference, rather a mobile and adaptable stories library that grows and renews.
 It is called transculturalism in practice! I am against attaching myself to any single story.  

Even the most static stories like those told in Holy Books are not ontologised in my adaptive mind!
In the video below, which I shared in a whatsapp group earlier in the year, I was trying to explain what I believe should be the right translation of "the Holy Spirit" to Swahili speakers. In Swahili, The Holy Spirit is literally translated as an external entity that will only enter good people after it (he) has been summoned by prayers or ordered/requested on behalf by an annointed person. Sadly, The Divine has been made into a multi billion dollar industry💔

Now you may ask, "Why should it bother you?"

The answer is that, in my worldly travels I have been treated with so much kindness and EMPATHY by people who know nothing about the existence of a "God" heaven or hell, let alone a Holy Spirit that is supposed to guide their righteousness. 
These people did the right thing without fearing hell or reward of an afterlife in heaven!
I feel I owe it to them to explain that the Infinite Source of Creation does not reside only in religious people, but in every Being in the Universe. We are all made of the same energetic essence and particles. Quantum Science has moved forward in leaps and bounds to show how we are an indivisible ONENESS. 
If we walk with this reverence, we will restore the "Fear of God" and treat ALL life as Sacred! 
Besides, we will also find it easier to practice THE GOLDEN RULE of treating others as we wish to be treated.

We are #Interrelated #Interconnected #Interdependent. 


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